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CS:GO phrases to English dictionary

March 17, 2022

Sometimes it can be challenging to discern what exactly a teammate means in CS:GO. What is 'noob team' and 'rush B' and 'uninstall'? We broke down all the fancy gamer lingo and common CS:GO below so you can get just as mad during solo queue as your fellow players are!

See also:

Too bad you whiffed that shot, it would have been your first kill this match! Nevertheless, I’m confident you’ll bounce back before the end of the half and will turn things around in the second!

kill yourself
Too bad you whiffed that shot, it would have been your first kill this match! Nevertheless, I’m confident you’ll bounce back before they hit fifteen rounds!

That was an incredible headshot, I'm not quite sure how you got me there! You really should consider a career in professional CS!

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